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The dreamer’s quest…


It all starts here, TODAY!

The 3 Levels of acceptation;

Every dreamer as a quest; To bring their dream to life…

First, the dream

The first thing is we need to accept that we have a dream.

We have the right to dream. It’s not just setting goals, it’s not just following a diagram of actions or a to do list. Accepting we have a dream, and the right to dream, that we are dreamers, is a challenge in itself today. We are all dreamers, each and everyone of us has a dream. You first need to accept that you have this dream to give yourselves the opportunity to think in s limitless way, at least in the beginning.

There is a responsibility that comes with that dream. Only you can make it come to life. If you don’t, it will never see light of day.

You are the maker of your dreams. No one else will do it for you. If you don’t do them, they won’t ever be created.

Accepting reality

Accepting that it is possible to make it real.

In this level of acceptance there are many things;

  • That it is possible to become a reality.

  • Accepting the fact that; if we only dream about it, it won’t make it more real.

  • That it’s not just a fantasy, that it’s a possibility.

  • Accepting ourselves fully. Because your dream reflects your deeper self, your authentic self. Self acceptance is a key in accessing this dream. If you don’t accept your self, you will want to keep it a fantasy and won’t put in real actions towards making it come true.

  • That we have the right to dream without boundaries.

Accept that It can become real and to make it real, not to keep it just as a fantasy.

Accepting to let it go from your imagination into reality. It’s a paradox, you have to let it go instead of going out there to get it in reality.

To let it go from your imagination in your mind so it becomes real. When we do that the dream can materialize itself differently than what we thought. So we have to let it go to give it a chance to live in the form that it should become, or in the form that reality can actually shape it.

We can envision a dream a certain way with the power of our imagination, but that’s just that. Imagination is a gift that enables us to project on the screen of our minds a possible result. But that is just a projection of possibilities, it is still in the shape of an illusion until it can become a reality. Let’s not be a slave to a prototyped image we have inside of us and miss out on great new possibilities.

And then the other level is; accepting to let reality manifest your dreams. Meaning that you have to follow the opportunities and the signs that reality is giving you for it to become a reality.

How much do you want it to happen? Are you putting in some efforts in order for it to happen? Are you willing to accept what reality brings you and the possibilities that come along your way? You have to grab the opportunities, that is also your job as a dreamer.

If your dream as become a burden maybe it’s time to re-evaluate or let it go. Making space within you by abandoning older things will leave place for new desires to arise.

Accept to step out of the social construct and conditioning

And finally we need to accept to step out of the social image that we have of ourselves. This older image that brought us all the way here, that didn’t permit us to make our dreams come true. We need to either change our image of ourselves, or give ourselves a chance to break free from it while we pursue our dream.

Most of the time this social image was created when we needed to fit in society. And so we denied our authenticity and our true self, to perform to the standards of our educational institutions and work environment. We slowly forgot about our true self and our dreams. So we need to accept this inner reference of who we are, to give ourselves the opportunity to start going beyond what we have become, to give these dreams a chance to come alive.

You don’t need peer pressure. People can say what they want about your dream. You don’t how any explanation to anyone, it is your dream, own it.

If you have a dream , don't waste your energies explaining why.

Paulo Coelho

Action is based on Self image

In order to put some energy on our dreams and the goals that we have in our lives we need to believe that they have value.

We also need to believe in ourselves. Because it is very possible to believe that we can do something, but not do it, in the fear of many other things. I think it is important to put some clarity in the process of achieving what we really want.

If we don’t fundamentally think we deserve to make our dreams come true deep inside of ourselves, we’re not gonna act in any manner to materialize anything. And if we don’t make them come true, don’t put any actions upon them ,they will stay in our minds and the only place where we will deploy any energy for them is in our mind and imagination.

Many times we don’t believe that we deserve our own dreams because of the social conditioning. It made it clear that there are things in society that are more important than our own dreams, our own self;

  • Playing a role and fitting in was more important then who we truly are.

  • Following the traditional path of living like everyone else, IE; Getting a traditional education, then a job, buying a house, getting married, building retirement.

But is that truly living? It sure is a way of making a good life, it as made its proof in history, but is that the only way? And honestly, is that truly living?

There is many other questions that can arise from this, and it all depends on your answers;

  • If your job is super fulfilling and you love going to work on Mondays!

  • If your already loving every minute of your time off as if your on vacation all year round!

  • If you're studying something that is your actual dream or working in that field you always dreamed of.

Aside from that, here is a few other ways of seeing things that might trigger a dynamic response in your dream achieving and happy life process.

The thing that is so particular about dreams is, that they reflect our true authenticity.

Throughout our lives, we endlessly seek pleasure and avoid pain as much as we can. Let’s call that; moments of joy and happiness. That is how we are biologically programmed.

So if we look at a life well lived, what can we expect?

For sure moments of happiness. What these moments are made of might be different for everyone, since we are all different, but still, the fact that they populate our life, our past, then we could say we have lived a great life.

All these moments of happiness have one thing in common, being ourselves. Being authentically seeking our self expression or enjoying things that reflect who we are.

If your lost, look at your dreams

So whenever there’s a clash in our minds between reality and making our dreams come true, for whatever reason, we get depressed. We get further away from our true self.

When we don’t believe that we deserve to make our dreams come true or that we act in that way we don’t honour and respect our inner calling, we move further away from our true self.

Even if we do believe in our aspirations, sometimes we act against them because we where thought to act differently. Our social conditioning is so strong, that it as create a second nature within us, a new limiting personality trait.

When we start to accept our true self we naturally honour our deepest desires. Your dream reflects who you are. If you give yourself a real chance in life, it means that you love and accept who you are. You give yourself the chance to be authentic.

Action and Goals

It’s all about the process so we give ourselves the chance to dream, to have this world of fantasy, of imagination. At one point we have to give ourselves the opportunity to let it go, so we can manifest it in reality. In reverse we also give ourselves a chance to make it a reality by organizing it into goal setting, and following up with the opportunities come along the way.

We are not alone…

Luckily, we are all on the quest to make some dreams come true. May be small, big, temporary or gigantic. We are all seekers of this extension of who we are in this world. The funny thing is, we all contribute to other people’s dreams. Just by being ourselves, living life, we take part in the making of other people’s great endeavors.

That being, we are not a lone, and need each other. Knowing this, we can count on life, the whole world, to help you make that amazing picture come to life!

Imagine the quantity of energy out there waiting to help you! All the wonderful people along your journey that will be part of what can be considered like the extension of your authentic self in the world.

I want to believe that there is, in this magical voyage, a natural universal contribution response of life.

Your dream, is your true self reaching out to the world…

Don’t wait another day, start making that dream come true! Embark on this quest with a coaching program and plan to start truly living, TODAY!



Picture From Mel Brooks Movie; Young Frankenstein 1974 Produced by Michael Gruskoff, 20 th Century Fox

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