Are you living up to your full potential?
This is a simple but thought-provoking question which you should think about deeply before answering. The life you are living now, is it really the best you can do?
First and foremost, the definition of the word, potential, is the capacity to become or develop into something in the future. Now that we have established that, here is the question once again, are you living up to your full potential?
It is one thing to know that you have the potential and it is another thing to actually utilize it, make use of it and apply it. What’s sad, is that most of us Arn’t even aware of their potential. They just sleep, wake up, eat, go to work if they have one, return home, do something uninteresting to kill time, eat and go back to sleep again. They repeat this routine day in, day out and end up not achieving anything special in life. They just are not aware of themselves and the extent of what they can accomplish. Some even believe only a specific set of people are meant to do remarkable things in life, but this is far from the truth.

We are all unique and meant to do so many creative and wonderful things. Everyone has potential. Every single person is blessed with diverse gifts and talents. But how are you using yours today? Do you just lie in your cocoon of inactivity, letting life and opportunities to pass you by without making an effort to change your current position and lifestyle? The truth is, having the ability to achieve something, doesn’t mean you will.
You cannot sit somewhere and expect things to happen to you. The power to make the best of your life is right inside of you, and you have to get up and go out there to do things yourself. Like larva that later becomes a beautiful, and colorful butterfly, you can also metamorphose from who you are now to who you are really meant to be.

Develop A Thirst For More
Some people may say you should be content and happy with what you have. This might be true to an extent, but the moment you relax and feel comfortable with where you are, you will not get to where you need to be. Part of being your authentic self is knowing you can be so much more than what you presently are. So, reject complacency and keep on working till you get to where you are meant to be.

Be You And Do You
The society we live in has stopped a lot of people from maintaining their authenticity. Social conditioning has been a big hindrance since time immemorial. So many people have attained greatness in life but are not truly happy because their achievements in life do not align with who they are. They have allowed the society to dictate how they talk, walk, eat, dress, reason and do so many other things. To be accepted by others, they try not to be different from others, forgetting that being unique sets them apart from everyone else, and places them on an enviable pedestal which will be desired by all. Be you, and embrace your uniqueness. To attain your full potential, you will have to live above what people or the society thinks you should be.

Get What You Need to Achieve Your Full Potential
Don’t be held back by the excuse of not having the training or education you need to pursue your dreams. When something is important to you, you will figure out a way to get it. Besides you can most likely find what you need on the internet, and for free too. So if you really need it, find a way to get it.
Work Hard
Hard work is the bane of any successful venture. Hard work beats just being blessed with gifts and talents. Your gifts and talent will not amount to much if you don’t hone it and back it up by working hard. Work hard to harness your gift, work hard to get yourself out there, where you can get noticed by people and then work hard to keep that attention. Reaching your full potential will take a lot of hard work on your part.

Be Self-confident
Your belief system can either gear you towards reaching your full potential or draw you away from it. It doesn’t matter if other people do not believe in you. It doesn’t matter if no one is encouraging you and cheering you on. Being authentic means, you don’t need anyone’s validation to know your own abilities. You must endeavor to remain positive always, boost your personal moral and believe that you can succeed in everything your heart desires.

Beware of distracting influences
You can get easily distracted while on your journey to reaching your full potential. This is especially when you meet people who seem to be living the perfect life, and you begin to feel that they are more special than you are. You start to think that if you do what they do, you will also succeed, knowing fully well that your abilities are different from theirs. This kind of thinking doesn’t keep you grounded and will only take you wherever the wind blows. Do not set aside your own goals and pursue someone else’ ideas. Stick to your vision and do not let go of your dreams.
Do not procrastinate
Don’t put off what you can do today for tomorrow. That is a bad habit which you will need to stop if you want to attain your full potential. It is difficult getting back to doing something which was not attended to at the right time. Most times, it eventually ends up not being done, and this can cause a lot of setbacks, especially when you have in place goals you need to reach within a specified timeline. To access your full potential, you need to form the habit of doing things at their appointed time.

Develop the spirit of Perseverance
It can be tempting to abandon a project and move on, when you do not get the results you expected. Practicing resilience will always motivate and help you to press forward in the face of adversity and thunderous challenges. Holding on to the determination to keep going, no matter how many times you have failed will pay out at the end of the day. Failure is just a setback, it is not the end.
Don’t waste time with fear
Fear limits your abilities. It could be the fear of failure, the fear of not being good enough, or the fear of a leaving your comfort zone. It can be scary when you are finally going after your goals, dreams and heart’s desires. Since it is something you’ve never done before, you can get cold feet. Sometimes the fear of failure causes you not to work as hard as if you believed you would succeed.
Being afraid is normal.
Thoughts of ‘it might not work out’ will definitely consume you, especially when risks are involved, but you must not allow fear to stop you from pursuing your vision. On the journey to success, there is always risk involved, and fear becomes inevitable. However, to reach your full potential, you will have to put it aside and do what you need to succeed. Rise above that fear and push forward until you reach your desired outcome.

It would be ridiculous to think one can reach one’s full potential in one day, but by deciding to take the actions needed to reach your full potential, you can be assured of getting there eventually. This is the time to get up and get going, by letting go of bad habits that hinder you from being productive, believing in yourself, and persevering until you reach your desired outcome, you can unleash your full potential.
Don’t wait another day, start making that dream come true! Embark on this quest with a coaching program and plan to start truly living, TODAY!